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The best spring bulbs: 25 most popular spring bulbs
Bulbs are a popular choice for planting in the springtime because they will bloom into beautiful flowers that brighten up your yard or garden. This list of 25 most popular bulbs to grow in the spring features over a dozen varieties of tulips, a very common bulb for people to plant.
Other popular bulbs on the list include hyacinths, a lovely spring flower, and alliums, also known as summer onion or ornamental onion. Alliums grow from small bulbs and have tall purple stems that hold tightly packed clusters of blooms. They can be planted in large groupings for stunning displays.
While all of these bulbs are beautiful, there is no shortage of other great options to consider planting in the springtime. When deciding how to grow your garden, think about what kind of flowers and plants you like best and work with those choices when selecting different types and varieties of bulbs for your yard or landscape.
The best spring bulbs are Crocus, Narcissus, Ranunculus, Hyacinth, Freesia, Cyclamen, Iris, Allium and Winter Aconite.

Spring Bulbs
1. Tulips
Tulips are hardy flowers that can survive in very cold climates. They are some of the most popular spring bulbs. They come in various colors and grow best in zones 3-9. These are some of the most popular spring bulbs in Europe, and it is easy to see why. As a spring bulb, their leaves die down in the summer, and the bulbs become dormant during the summer months from June until August.
Related: How to grow tulips
2. Crocus
Crocus is also very hardy, often capable of surviving even the hardest frosts. They add color to areas where few other plants can survive, such as grassy slopes or rock gardens. Crocus blooms vary from pure white to purple and grow in zones 3-9. As a spring bulb, these are best planted early autumn for winter-flowering varieties or late autumn for early spring flowering varieties. They are easy to grow and can be directly sown or planted indoors.
Related: How to grow crocus
3. Narcissus
Narcissus bulbs have a beautiful scent with many varieties. In addition, they come in various colors, including red and yellow. They are known for being hardy enough to survive the coldest conditions. They also add color to areas where little else can live, such as rock gardens and slopes. They grow best in zones 4-8. As a spring bulb, they are planted in autumn for winter flowering varieties or in late winter/early spring for early summer flowering varieties.
4. Ranunculus
Ranunculus bulbs or buttercups are not quite as hardy as other types of spring bulbs. They need some protection from the cold to survive, but they add a lot of colour to areas where few plants can survive, such as grassy slopes or rock gardens. They are very low maintenance and grow from zones 3-8. As a spring bulb, they are best planted late winter/early spring for early summer flowering varieties and autumn for winter-flowering types.
5. Hyacinth
Hyacinths are great for adding color to any garden or slope that doesn’t get much light throughout the year. The bulbs multiply quickly, spreading out to create a thick flower bed. Hyacinths come in various colors as well and bloom early in the spring. They grow best in zones 3-9. As a spring bulb, these are best planted early autumn for winter-flowering varieties or late autumn for early spring flowering varieties.
6. Freesia
Freesias are a beautiful type of flower that add a variety of color to any garden or landscape, making them very popular. They come in various colors and multiply to create a thick bed of greenery. Freesia bulbs prefer well-drained soil and grow in zones 8-10. As a spring bulb, these are best planted early autumn for winter-flowering varieties or late autumn for early spring flowering varieties. They are easy to grow and can be directly sown or planted indoors.
7. Cyclamen
Cyclamen bulbs are hardy flowers that do well in shady areas, making them very versatile. They come in various colors, such as pink or white, and bloom early in the spring. They live through cold weather and like well-draining soil, making them perfect for rock gardens. They grow in zones 4-8. These are planted in autumn for winter flowering varieties or in late winter/early spring for early summer flowering varieties. Once flowering is done, the leaves die down, and the bulbs become dormant over the summer months from June until August.
8. Iris
Irises are hardy flowers that live through cold weather and come in various colors, including purple, lavender and white. They bloom early in the spring and grow throughout the summer, quickly producing flowers. They grow best in zones 3-9. As a spring bulb, these are best planted early autumn for winter-flowering varieties or late autumn for early spring flowering varieties.
9. Allium
Allium bulbs are wonderful for adding color to slopes or flower beds that don’t get much light. Alliums come in various colors and spread to cover large areas with their brilliant blooms. They grow in zones 3-9. As a spring bulb, these are best planted early autumn for winter-flowering varieties or late autumn for early spring flowering varieties.
10. Winter Aconite
Winter aconites are hardy plants that look beautiful during the winter when they emerge from the ground and produce blooms. The blossoms come in various colours, creating a colourful landscape while many other plants remain dormant or dead due to the cold weather. Winter aconites grow best in zones 3-8. As a spring bulb, these are best planted late winter/early spring for early summer flowering varieties and autumn for winter-flowering types.
11. Spanish Blue Bells
Spanish bluebells are low-growing but vibrant flowers that live through cold weather and bloom early in the spring. They come in various colors, including purple, lavender and white. Their blue color is perfect for adding colour to any landscape or flower bed. Spanish bluebells grow best in zones 4-8. As a spring bulb, these are best planted late autumn for early spring flowering varieties and autumn for winter-flowering types.
12. Grape Hyacinth
Grape hyacinths are very long-lasting flowers that come in various colours and add brilliance to any landscape or flower bed. They grow well in shady areas, making them perfect for rock gardens. Their small blooms come early in the spring and bloom well into the summer. The grape hyacinth blooms produce an intoxicating scent that is wonderful for any garden. They grow best in zones 4-8.
Related: How to grow grape hyacinth
13. Snow drops
Snowdrops are very hardy bulbs that cover large areas with brilliant yellow flowers, which emerge early in the spring. The snowdrop comes in various colours, including blue, purple and pink. They require no maintenance and grow best in zones 3-8. These are best planted in early autumn for winter-flowering varieties as a spring bulb.
14. Fritillaria
Fritillarias are beautiful, low maintenance flowers that come in various colours, including yellow or white. They require no maintenance and multiply to create thick layers of greenery. Fritillaria bulbs prefer well-drained soil and grow best in zones 6-9. These are best planted late winter/early spring for early summer flowering varieties and autumn for winter-flowering types.
15. Siberian Squill
Siberian squill is a beautiful flower that grows best in shady areas, perfect for slopes or rock gardens. It multiplies quickly to create large blooms of bright blue or purple flowers. Siberian squill bulbs grow best in zones 5-8. As a spring bulb, these are best-planted autumn for winter-flowering varieties and early spring for early summer flowering varieties.
16. Nothoscordum
This type of bulb prefers dark, damp soil and produces delicate, low growing flowers that come in various colours, including white or pink. Nothoscordum bulbs grow best in zones 3-8. They are easy to grow and can be direct sown, or you can plant them as indoor Nothoscordum, which will flower indoors in February/March.
17. Sicilian Honey Garlic
Sicilian honey garlic is an unusual flower that produces small bulbs at the end of stalks full of tiny, star-shaped blooms. They can be grown as perennial plants and come in various colours, including red, white, yellow and pink. They grow best in zones 4-8. After flowering, the leaves die down, and the bulbs become dormant over the summer months from June until August.
18. Camas Lily
Camas lilies are very easy to plant and require no maintenance. They come in various colours and look wonderful when contrasting with other perennials or spring flowers. Camas lily bulbs grow well in zones 3-9. These are best-planted autumn for winter-flowering varieties or early spring for early summer flowering.
19. Ipheion
Ipheion is a very hardy flower that comes in various colours and requires no maintenance. It produces delicate, low growing flowers that bloom early in the spring. They grow best in zones 4-9. The leaves die down, and the bulbs become dormant over the summer months from June until August.
20. Anemone
In addition to coming in a wide range of colors, Anemones produce long-lasting flowers that look beautiful when contrasted with other spring flowers. They grow best in zones 3-9 and require no maintenance. As a spring bulb, these are best planted late winter/early spring for early summer flowering varieties and autumn for winter-flowering types.
21. Summer Snowflake
Snowflakes are hardy plants that produce long-lasting blooms in various colours, including blue, purple, pink and yellow. They come in multiple heights and often flower continuously from the spring until the fall, dormant. They grow best in zones 3-8 and require no maintenance. They can be direct sown, but if you want them to flower indoors in February/March, they are best planted as indoor or “forcing” summer snowflakes.
22. Glory of the Snow
Glory of the snow produces long-lasting blooms that come in various colours, including blue, white and pink. They are low growing and spread quickly to create thick layers of flowers. Glory of the snow grows best in zones 1-8 and requires no maintenance. These are best-planted autumn for winter-flowering varieties and early spring for early summer flowering. The leaves die down, and the bulbs become dormant over the summer months from June until August.
23. Oxalis
Oxalis is a delicate flower that perfectly contrasts with other vibrant spring flowers. They come in a variety of colours and require no maintenance. Oxalis grows best in zones 4-8 and likes partial sunlight. As a spring bulb, these are best-planted autumn for winter-flowering varieties or early spring for early summer flowering varieties.
Related: How to grow Oxalis
24. Ornithogalum
Ornithogalum produces long-lasting, lily-shaped flowers with a wide range of colours. These flowers prefer full sun and come in various heights, including 10-20 inches tall. Ornithogalum requires no maintenance and grows best in zones 4-9.
25. Arum
Arums produce large, brightly coloured blooms in the spring and require little maintenance. They grow best in shady areas and prefer moist soil conditions. Arums come in various colours and grow best in zones 5-9.
People have been cultivating bulbs for hundreds of years, and their popularity is rooted in several things. Many naturally growing flowers require a lot of maintenance because they will only survive for a short period. Bulbs are different because they evolve from underground storage structures that allow them to come back every year without the need for replanting or re-growing. This means that planting bulbs in your yard are an easy way to enjoy beautiful flowers every springtime without having to worry about them not lasting or needing special care. Bulbs are also often very inexpensive compared to many other types of plants, making them a good choice for well-planned landscaping projects on a budget.
Even though many bulbs are very inexpensive, some tulips can be particularly expensive. This is because great care goes into flower farming to make sure they grow large and beautiful without any imperfections or blemishes. However, the cost of flowers like tulips tends to go down significantly after springtime because they will only last about two weeks in a vase before they die. While tulips may be expensive, they are still very beautiful and worth the cost because of their unique looks and wonderful scents.
If you choose spring bulbs to plant in your garden, decide which flowers add to your yard or landscape. Keep in mind that you may want to plant bulbs that bloom at different times of the year so that you can enjoy flowers throughout the warmer seasons. You should consult your local nursery or landscape supply store for additional information to plant properly and care for your new garden additions.
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